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Eco Club News

Sudell's Eco Club has come a long way since setting up our very first Eco Committee meeting back in the Autumn of 2017! Our school is a registered Eco School, working towards its Silver certificate, and in November 2019 we became a Wildlife Trust 'Nature Friendly School' - one of only 17 in the whole North West! - which is why we have been able to develop our Secret Garden into a working garden and outdoor classroom. The Eco Committee is comprised of at least two children from each class from Yr1-Yr6, and, as well as having meetings every half term, these children organise task groups to complete an annual environmental review and then decide on an action plan. These are displayed on the Eco Board in the hall - along with the minutes of our meetings, photographs, and poems written by members of the Eco Club. The Eco Club takes place at lunchtime every Monday to Thursday in the Eco Room where the children take part in lots of different activities and discussions: arts and crafts using natural or recycled materials; growing and watering plants; watching videos about how best to tackle plastic pollution, and discussing ideas to help improve the environment both locally and globally. Children don't have to be on the Eco Committee to be in the Eco Club.

Sudell is also registered with the RSPB and the Woodland Trust's Green Tree Schools Award programme - a group of Yr5 Eco Warriors took part in the Big Schools' Birdwatch in February and we have plans to plant 30 hedgerow saplings to encourage more birds into the school grounds.


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